Sponsored Promotion for Charity Organization Program
CommuniLink knows the importance of community giving in which we always struggle on participate at activities of public welfare through different methods, CommuniLink now has a FREE Hosting Service for Charity Organization Program which we will provide FREE Cloud Hosting service for Hong Kong charity organizations that meet the requirements.
Sponsor 24-Month Cloud Deluxe Hosting Service
CommuniLink will provide FREE 24 months Cloud Deluxe Hosting service for charity organizations that are exempt from tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (IRO section 88). All you need to do is provide us with effective document for proof.

- If Voluntary or Non-profit-making organization is not exempt from tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (IRO section 88) , it is welcomed to contact us for the information of the other offer .
- This program is only available to new customer or the organization that did not use CommuniLink’s service for at least 5-year.
- Domain fee is not included.
- Each charity organization can only join this program for once.
- This program cannot be used in conjunction with special discounts, reselling discounts or other special offers.
- There are special offer for charity organization when renew service.
- If customer wants to upgrade to upper level plan, it is required to pay the difference.
- If customer transfers the account ownership to another party during or after FREE hosting service period, the new owner cannot join this program as the previous owner joined before. Beside, the new owner needs to provide effective document for proof in order to enjoy the remaining FREE Cloud Deluxe Hosting service.
- CommuniLink Internet Limited reserves the right to make all final decisions if any dispute arises.
- For more information of Cloud Deluxe Hosting plan, please visit https://www.communilink.net/p152-en-cloudhostingplan-d.html
- Definition of charity organization, please refer to http://www.ird.gov.hk/eng/tax/ach_tgc.htm
- Lists of Charitable institutions that are exempt from tax under IRO section 88, please refer to http://www.ird.gov.hk/eng/tax/ach_index.htm