Payment Method
Payment Method
- FPS (Faster Payment System)
FPS Identifier: 7560014
"CommuniLink Internet Limited"
- Bank Deposit or Telegraphic Transfer
"CommuniLink Internet Limited" bank accounts:
Hang Seng Bank: (024) 329-137962-668
HSBC: (004) 191-824507-838
Please WhatsApp the receipt to CommuniLink at 6802 2200 or
Email the receipt to Account Department,with your domain name or invoice number. The bank commission for both countries should be paid by customer for Telegraphic Transfer payment.
Email the receipt to Account Department,with your domain name or invoice number. The bank commission for both countries should be paid by customer for Telegraphic Transfer payment.
- Cheque
Make your cheque payable to "CommuniLink Internet Limited", write your domain name or invoice number on the back of the cheque and send to our Account Department at following address:
Unit 9B, 2/F Laurels Ind. Centre,
32 Tai Yau St., San Po Kong, KLN., HK
ATTN: Account Department
Post-dated cheque is not accepted.
- In Person
Please come to our customer service center in general office hour. We accept cheque and cash. - Online Payment
We acceptand Master Cards
,You can choose online payment and paid by credit card when submit the order online. or you can paid by credit card at Payment System after submit the order.
Remark:- Online Payment System does not accept any payment for rental of Dedicated Server.
- If the invoice amount is HKD 8,000 on or above , additional 3% handling fee will be charged.